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Peter Depelchin

De Bacchae
Peter Depelchin, Red, blue and turquoise color pencil and pencil, pen and ink on CIAT paper, 76*100 cm, 2023-2024

Cosmogonical Treat
Peter Depelchin, Red and blue color pencil and pencil on CIAT paper, 176*180 cm, 2023

The Great God Pan
Peter Depelchin, Red color pencil and pencil on CIAT paper, 245*350 cm, 2020

De Bacchae
Peter Depelchin, Red, blue and turquoise color pencil and pencil, pen and ink on CIAT paper, 76*100 cm, 2023-2024
Peter Depelchin - official website.
New York City based contemporary artist Peter Depelchin's art and drawing practice is a symbiosis of art history and topicality.
He recomposes collective imagery and accomplishes a universal artistic language appropriate to our contemporary world.
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