Peter Depelchin
Bachelor in Printmaking / Lithography, Sint-Lucas Hoge-school voor Wetenschap en Kunst, Gent (LUCA - school of arts, Ghent, BE)
Master in Printmaking / Drawing, Sint Lucas Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst, Gent (LUCA - school of arts, Ghent, BE)
Extra studio: Painting
TAMAT residency, January '22 - December '22, Tournai, BE
Residency Unlimited, February ‘16 - May ‘16, NY, US
2014 - 2015:
Academia Belgica, September ‘14 - February ‘15, Rome, IT
2008 - 2009 :
IK-eiland, November ‘08 - February ‘09, Vlissingen, NL.
Awards, grants, prizes
Prix Elisabeth Burdot - selected by "Les Amis d'ma mère" - awarded as laureate, Brussels, BE
Ronse Drawing Prize - selected by the curatorial commission ​
to exhibit at CC de Ververij, Ronse, BE
Grote Prijs Ernest Albert - Prize Ernest Albert - drawing -awarded as second laureate, Mechelen, BE
Residency Unlimited – selected by the curatorial commission to reside in Brooklyn (NY) (February ‘16 - May ‘16), US
Flemish Government – selected by the curatorial commission to reside in the Academia Belgica in Rome (September ‘14 - February ‘15), IT
Kids of Dada – selected by the curatorial commission to be included in their world-wide network of artists and collectors, UK
Premio Ora Italy – selected by the curatorial commission to be included in the catalogue, IT
Young Masters Art prize – preselection and exhibition @ Rupert Cavendish Antiques, London, UK
Input-Output, CC Brugge, Bruges – second prize and several exhibition possibilities in cooperation with CC Brugge, BE
Out of Control, VUB, Brussels – exhibition possibilities @ several interesting arts centres, BE
Major Exhibitions
(S) Cosmogonical Treat, Husk Gallery, Brussels, BE
Paréidolie, Salon du Dessin Contemporain, Marseille, FR
Rops et le Climat, Namur, BE
Abstract, TAMAT, Tournai, BE
Betekendt, Kunstenhuis, Harelbeke, BE
Drawing Beyond the Surface, LIC-A, The Factory, NY, US
Thiasos, Husk Gallery, Brussels, BE
Caravaggio, Sint-Amanduskapel, Ghent, BE
(S) Art on Paper, Husk Gallery Booth, Brussels, BE
Masks, KODA/RU house, Governor's Island, NY, US
(S) Hommage à Pan II, Musée Félicien Rops, Namur, BE
Dialogues, Husk Gallery, Brussels, BE
(S) Hommage à Pan I, Château de Thozée, Mettet, BE
R22, TAMAT, exhibition of the granted artists in residence, Tournai, BE
(S) Mystic Heated Wine Beyond the Event Horizon, Husk Gallery, Brussels, BE
The Circus we are in the City of Namur, Namur, BE
Prix Elisabeth Burdot, Gallery Marie-Ange-Boucher, Brussels, BE
BCBGenres, Arte-Fac, UCLouvain-La-Neuve, Brussels, BE
Panta Rhei, Husk Gallery, Brussels, BE
Getekend, Bogardenkapel, Brugge, BE
(S)The Great God Pan, Husk Gallery, Brussels, BE
The Clown Spirit, curator Johanna De Vos, Ronny van de Velde Gallery, Knokke-Zoute, Rossaert, Antwerp, BE
#VillalesZéphyrs, curator Els wuyts, Villa Les Zéphyrs, Middelkerke, BE
In Arcadia, Group show, Husk Gallery, Brussels, BE
(S) A fountain in A garden by A sea, Nathalia Tsala Gallery, Brussels, BE
Ronse Drawing Prize, CC De Ververij, Ronse, BE
The harmony of difference, Nathalia Tsala Gallery, Ronse, BE
Zoveel Many Trees >< Abattre, La Vallée, Brussels, BE
Tuinfeest en Veilingen, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle, BE
(S) Canticle, Brilliant Champions Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, US
(S) ORTO, Light Cube Gallery, Ronse, BE
Group show, Praetoria, Antwerp, BE
Outside in - a cosmpopolitan showcase, NY, US
5 jaar IK, 1ste LUSTRUM, IK-eiland, Vlissingen, NL
Grote Prijs Ernest Albert, de Garage, Mechelen, BE
Arts on Site , Saint Marks Place, NY, US
Afterimage, inCube Arts, New York, US
In love with Beauty, Transfo Zwevegem, BE
(S) The Sanctuary, Off-space.xyz, New York, US
Works on paper, The Light Cube Gallery, Ronse, BE
Questies, Kapel Ster der Zee, Koksijde, BE
No more Secrets, PAK, Gistel, BE
Group show, Villa de Olmen, Wieze, BE
Collectief Euphrosina B. (CE.B), Ostend, BE
Visions, Academia Belgica, Rome, IT
Come together, Open Museum/Open City, Fondazione MAXXI, Rome, IT
WARUM, ‘Ieder zijn oorlog’, Warmuseum, Zonnebeke, BE
ZOOM, Kasteel Beauvoorde, Veurne, BE
SOOF, Dutch Movie, Bergen, NL
(S) Recht in uw Bakkes, CC De Spil, Roeselare, BE
Mise en Abyme, CC Ter Dilft, Bornem, BE
(S) Folies de Flandre, Sint-Rita Kerk, Harelbeke, BE
Schriftuur/Scripture, De Bond, Bruges, BE
(S) Schatten van de Duinenabdij, Koksijde, BE
Young Masters art prize @ Rupert Cavendish, London, UK
(S) Dermatobia Hominis, Veurne, BE
Pure Peinture 11, 5de biënnale, Diksmuide, BE
I AM HURT, Ghent, BE
See*point, Koksijde, BE
(S) Theatrum Mundi IV, De Brouckère, Torhout, BE
Gegoten Lood, Den Haag, NL
(S) MONSTRAR-CASTRAR-CONTRAREMONSTRAR, Pieterjanszoon Saenredamproject, Rotterdam, NL
(S) Theatrum Mundi V -Cythera- , Het Kasteel van Gaasbeek, BE
Skulls, skeletons and bones, Ostend, BE
Thats all folks, Bruges, BE
Droomburchten en Luchtkastelen, Het kasteel van Gaasbeek, BE
(S) Solo, Gallery s&h de buck, Ghent, BE
Pure Peinture 09, 4de biënnale, Diksmuide, BE
(S) Fructusycomorus, Non-Space de Laurier, Bruges, BE
(S) Theatrum Mundi III, I K- island, Vlissingen, BE
In flux, Mons, BE
Waldweben, Het Betoverd Bos, St.-Maria-Aalter, BE
Over Tekenen,Witte Zaal, Ghent, BE
(S) Theatrum Mundi II, Zelzate, BE
(S) Theatrum Mundi I, Bogardenkapel, Bruges, BE
Input-Output, Bruges, BE
FRIS V, Courtesy Jan Colle Gallery, Ghent, BE
Out of Control, VUB, Brussels, BE
BE-VANGEN, Nieuwpoort, BE
(S) = soloshow